I'm going to compile a list or comments, arguments, facts and evidence to make a list of reasons why the pandemic makes no sense, is a con, is not about a virus but is a plan to control humanity. I may update and change the list but feel free to comment underneath if you would like to add something, agree with something, disagree or suggest revisions. If you think the pandemic all makes sense - take a large piece of wood and hit yourself over the head with it repeatedly until things come into focus.
There are some people who go even further and say there isn't even a real virus out there. I keep an open mind to that as the event almost doesn't need a real virus but I'm going to assume we are dealing with a real disease. The evidence clearly points to it coming from the level 4 lab in Wuhan but is that what they want us to think? Who knows... we cannot claim to know the answers to everything but we do know people are being fed a whole lot of lies - some of which are highlighted below.
We discussed some of the issues above and youtube blocked the video and put a strike on our channel for debating WHO guidelines. That's another one to add to the list above. If there can be no discussion then it should set alarm bells ringing.